Read carefully before registering to use the Australia Post Developer Centre Application Programming Interface ("API"). The following licence agreement applies to you and by installing, copying or otherwise using the API, you hereby accept and agree to be bound by ALL of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

This is a legal agreement between you (whether as an individual or an entity) ("User") and Australian Postal Corporation ("Australia Post"), an Australian statutory corporation established by an act of the parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, and owned by the Government of Australia. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly cease using and delete the API and any accompanying items in their entirety. Your continued use of the API constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of this licence agreement.

1. Grant of API Licence

Australia Post grants to the User a worldwide, nonexclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free licence to use the API and to access Australia Post data received via the interface in accordance with this agreement and Australia Post Terms and Conditions.

2. Authority

You warrant that:

(a) you have all right, title and authority to enter into this agreement (whether as User or agent for the User); and

(b) this agreement is executed by a duly authorised representative.

3. User responsibilities and restrictions

The User:

(a) is responsible for the accuracy and legality of any content that it enters through the Developer Centre;

(b) must only use the API in accordance with this Agreement and any additional requirements that may be posted on the Australia Post website, including the Developer Centre dedicated mini-site, provided by emails and reflected in changes to the Australia Post instructions for the API, from time to time;

(c) must only use the API to facilitate Australia Post shipping and postage transactions and must not use the API to facilitate postage carried by other suppliers unless prior exemption is obtained from Australia Post;

(d) must not use the API in any way that adversely affects the performance or function of the API;

(e) must not post or transmit information or materials that would violate rights of any third party or which contains a virus or other harmful component;

(f) must provide complete and accurate information about User upon registration of the User for use of the API;

(g) must keep the unique API key supplied by Australia Post safe and secure and immediately notify Australia Post of any breach of this obligation;

(h) must not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the API;

4. Liability and indemnity for third party users

(a) The User remains liable for the use of the API by any third party to which it provides access to the API, as though such use was by the User.

(b) The User hereby indemnifies Australia Post against any loss, cost, expense, damage, claim, demand, action or proceeding arising out of any failure by any third party to comply with the Developer Centre Terms and Conditions.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

(a) The User acknowledges that it has no right, title or interest in or to the API, or any other material supplied by Australia Post to the User under this agreement, except as expressly provided under this agreement.

(b) The API, sample code, documentation, and trademarks/logos provided on this site and in hardcopy form by Australia Post are the intellectual property of Australia Post and are protected under Australian copyright laws. The information and images presented or received via the API may not be reproduced, republished, adopted, used or modified under any circumstances and must not be used in any way that implies endorsement or sponsorship by Australia Post of the users or any of the user's products, goods or services.

6. Disclaimer of warranties

The API documentation, the API and any material on the Developer Centre site, are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. Australia Post does not warrant that the functions contained in the API will meet the User's requirements, be fit for the User's purpose, or that the operation of the API will be uninterrupted or free from errors or viruses.

7. Limitation of liability

7.1 Exclusion of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will Australia Post be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, consequential damages or any other pecuniary loss) that result from the use or inability to use the API even if Australia Post has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

7.2 Limitation of Liability

If statute implies terms into this agreement that cannot lawfully be excluded, the liability of Australia Post to a User, for a breach of any such implied term is limited (at Australia Post's option) to:

(a) the resupply of the services; or

(b) the payment of the cost of resupplying the services.

8. Term

This agreement is effective until terminated by either party.

9. Termination

(a) Australia Post may terminate this agreement at any time, without cause, in Australia Post's sole and absolute discretion.

(b) Upon termination of this agreement, the User shall immediately cease to use the API, all associated documentation and trademarks/logos and shall destroy all copies thereof in the control or possession of the User. Upon termination, Australia Post may cancel the key provided to the User for access to the API.

10. Indemnity

Users will indemnify and hold Australia Post harmless from claims, damages, costs and expenses related to the operation of the User's web site in conjunction with the Australia Post Developer Centre website and the API.

11. Mutual obligations

Australia Post grants the licence under this agreement in consideration for the User complying with its obligations under this agreement.

12. Governing law

This agreement is governed by, and will be construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia and the courts of that State shall have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

This agreement is supplementary to the Australia Post Terms and Conditions published at To the extent that any aspect of the Developer Centre service is not expressly referred to or included herein, the Australia Post Terms and Conditions apply. In the event of any inconsistency between the Australia Post Terms and Conditions, and the Developer Centre Terms and Conditions, the Australia Post Terms and Conditions will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Except to the extent (if any) expressly provided for in this Agreement, the conditions applying to the postal delivery services ordered by a customer shall be the relevant service-specific terms and conditions made pursuant to the Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989, the regulations to the Act, the Australia Post Terms and Conditions, and other written instructions published by Australia Post from time to time.

I acknowledge, I have read, and understand the above terms and conditions and I am authorized to accept this agreement on behalf of stated User's company.