Barcoding your mail helps us process it more efficiently, which means cheaper postage rates for you!

Barcoding is optional for some of our services, but it's a requirement for PreSort Letters, Charity Mail and Acquisition Mail.

How to barcode your mail

Barcoding is a 3-step process:

1. Choose whether to barcode in-house or through a mail house.

2. Validate your addresses and add the Delivery Point IdentifiersValidate the addresses in your database against our Postal Address File (PAF) to determine the DPID for each address. The PAF is a database of Australian postal addresses within our delivery network - it usually comes with your AMAS certified software.

3. Create and print the barcode Using standard barcode generation software, convert the DPID into a barcode. AMAS software usually comes with a barcode font installed.

Help with barcoding

The Barcode Quality Program can help with all your barcoding software and printer certifications, and will help you ensure the right kind of barcodes (known as 4-state barcodes) are generated and printed within the Australia Post barcoding specifications.

You'll also find helpful information in our Barcoding tools and guides.

Getting your barcodes and layouts approved

Before using your barcodes, please email a sample to