5 ways to help kids cope with disaster

After the recent floods—and bushfires in previous years—there is growing awareness of the long-lasting impacts disasters can have on kids. Helping kids cope is important. Here are five ways to support the little ones in your life after a natural disaster.

Months on from the disastrous floods in New South Wales and Queensland, the water has receded, and the clean-up and rectification are underway—but the memories and trauma of the events may remain.

Many people are still processing feelings of grief, loss, anger and sadness. While adults grapple with their own feelings, they also must assist little ones to do the same. Like many adults, children may need ongoing support in the months and even years after a disaster or traumatic event.

According to Red Cross, people of all ages and demographics may be at risk of developing anxiety or depression, particularly after experiencing a traumatic event or a natural disaster like a bushfire, flood, cyclone or earthquake.

Some common reactions following a natural disaster may include feeling overwhelmed, having intrusive memories or having trouble focusing or sleeping. It’s important to keep an eye on these reactions and if they inhibit a child from living their day-to-day life, discuss it with a GP or mental health professional.

Beyond Blue has handy information about looking after your mental health following a disaster and The Australian Red Cross has useful resources for preparing for emergencies.

The Australian Red Cross’ Pillowcase Project offers an education program for grades 3-5 that teaches students about personal and family preparedness and safety skills, local hazards, and basic coping skills.

As a Red Cross partner and part of the communities impacted by the recent floods, we’re proud to have been able to do our part. We opened our Post Office network to the public to accept donations for the Red Cross QLD and NSW Floods Appeal passing on more than $174,000 to help with cash relief grants and provided Pop Up Post Offices to provide alternative services to communities. But initiatives like deliveries of books to help restock libraries in the Lismore region and free Mail Redirection services to people that are displaced from their homes are actions that are aimed at helping people start to resume their normal lives.

Whether it's floods, bushfires or another disaster life throws at you, here are some ways to support the kids in your life through these difficult times.

1. Listen and validate

Conversations can be one of the most important ways to assist a child in coping after a natural disaster. Encourage your child to tell you how they’re feeling and normalise their reaction. Some children may see the adults in their life struggling and try to mask their own feelings. Because of this, it's important to continually create opportunities and safe environments for them to talk. If they don't feel up to talking to you, encourage them to speak to another adult in their life like a grandparent or teacher.

2. Reassure them they're safe

After experiencing a natural disaster, children may need extra reassurance that they are safe and supported. Take the time to explain that the adults in their life are responsible for keeping them safe and use simple and proactive language to help them understand. Encourage them to voice their fears so you can reassure them with practical solutions.

3. Stop the doom scrolling

With so many of our children having access to the internet and social media, it’s important to monitor the content they consume. When natural disasters are front and centre in the media, reduce the time your children spend on their devices. If they’re already feeling anxious about the event, reliving it by replaying it on the internet may increase their anxiety.

4. Keep up a regular routine

Natural disasters can cause children to feel like everything is out of control. During these times it can be helpful to find regular routines that will bring some normality back to your life. Whether it's consistent bedtime or meal routines, sports practice or regular family visits, routine can make children feel like they have some control during a time that feels scary and out of control.

5. Make new happy memories

Sometimes the best thing you can do to help your child after the trauma of a natural disaster is offer a distraction. To them, everything might feel very doom and gloom so it's important to bring some sunshine back to your lives. Whether it's taking your kids to the park, getting away for a long weekend, or staying up past bedtime for a movie night, look for ways to focus on new, positive memories.

Remember, if you need support for yourself, a child or another person in your life, there are lots of resources available. Visit Beyond Blue for immediate support, online forums and more information about mental health and wellbeing.

Whenever disaster strikes, Australia Post with Australian Red Cross are there to support and help communities get back on their feet.